There are lots of benefits to free fuck sites. If you’re looking to build up your confidence, if you’re looking to learn how to pick up women, and if you’re looking to be able to be more persuasive, free fuck sites can definitely benefit you. The benefits are not the issue. The issue is that you need to have the right mindset if you want free fuck sites to work for you, instead of against you.
Unfortunately, for the vast majority of dudes that join the typical free fuck sites, they end up doing it wrong. They end up doing things by the seat of their pants and they end up failing. This really is too bad because they only need to wrap their mind around one crucial revelation about these types of websites and they would succeed.
And I’m not just talking about succeeding every once in a while. Let’s face it, if that’s the level of success you’re looking for, then you might as well not go online to find free sex on http://www.fuckforfree.org/ . You might as well just go to your local bar and get laid that way because, guess what? The same statistical chances of success are the same. The reason why you joined free fuck sites in the first place is you want to get laid a lot. You want to get laid consistently.
So what is this revelation that I’m going to share? It’s very simple. Joining any type of dating site all boils down to one strategic truth: you need to be interesting. You need to be interesting to the people you’re communicating with. I know this is not earth shattering, I know that lightning did not hit the ground when I revealed it, but it is the absolute truth. This is what separates you from most of the horny guys out there. You have to be interesting. Meaning, you have to attract the attention of specific women. You cannot be all people to all women. It doesn’t work that way.
You have to have a certain type. You have to study them carefully and you have to send the right signals. When they respond back to you, you have to bounce back those signals in such a way that they would engage with you. In other words you have to be interesting to them. So how do you become interesting? Again it all boils down to one specific skill. Be empathetic.
Having empathy goes a long way. Why? You’re stepping in other people’s shoes. You’re looking at the world the same way that they’re looking at the world. You look at their situation. You look at the issues that they’re dealing with. You look at why they’re framing certain situations and think the way they do.
By reaching out and getting over yourself and being empathetic, you increase the likelihood of establishing a deep personal bond with them. They become more comfortable with you and this increases the likelihood of a truly intense personal interaction. In other words this increases the likelihood that they will find you very interesting.